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It was fascinating to read about your local history, particularly the YWCA. I admit, I don't know too much about either the men's or women's version of this institution. It seems that they're both primarily fitness centers now, not that there's anything wrong with that! But it was enjoyable to hear that your Y had so much more once upon a time.

And congrats on the position at the museum! It sounds fascinating. It seems like you have a quite a talent for finding opportunities to further your knowledge, while getting paid to do so. You mentioned needing three tries to graduate from college. Well, I feel you missed your calling in a way...you clearly have the mind of an academic, so you would have made a fine college professor! (I say this with all sincerity, as I happen to be married to one myself).

Was sorry to learn that the Baltimore Women's Exchange is now closed. After having read of it via Jane and Michael Stern, we ate lunch there once. After our meal I bought a keychain with a miniature stuffed cat attached to it to gift the neighbor girl who was watching our cat during our travels.

Lastly, with some sadness I report that our daughter is flying back to Michigan today to begin a new job next week. She lost her job in the Albany area in early November. Although she'll now be 160 miles away instead of 900, my husband and I are actually bummed about her leaving your area. There's so much to see and explore and we'd been looking forward to doing more of that in future visits. She tells us we can still go back there to visit, which is true, but I reply that we'll no longer have free lodging to take advantage of.

I wish you all the best with your writer-in-residence research and look forward to reading what you uncover.

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