Jun 30Liked by Amy Halloran

Another wonderful read, Amy! You are so lucky to have such nice family recipes and memories. Had to chuckle at the mention of "War Surplus" cake, which we knew in my family as Crazy Cake. My mom made it often for birthdays since time was short in our family of ten. We loved it and still do. My dad wasn't a big fan of chocolate, so she always made coffee-flavored frosting for it. Decades ago, one of my sisters decided to help out by copying the older recipes onto new recipe cards. She mistook the abbreviation t. for T. and so not knowing better, wrote 2 T. vanilla for our Crazy Cake recipe. And so I've made it that way ever since! It wasn't until a few years ago that I noticed online recipes of this cake never included that much vanilla! So I guess you could say our Crazy Cake would have a unique taste to it.

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I love knowing how the cake lived in your family! I've been skipping the vanilla frequently, because of forgetting and the price, and it still shines. Coffee flavored frosting sounds great. If I can step out of my father's penchant, I'll try it!

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Loved this, Amy. So much that we can see and, that remains unseen, from the way we walk to the things we bake. Thanks for honoring that with your heart. So good.


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Thanks Martin!

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