Dear bread fans,
I meant to write you ages before we got to the inauguration. I didn’t want to be greeting you on this precipice.
But here we are.
I am remembering Nixon‘s resignation and how my mom called me in from playing out in the yard to see Gerald Ford sworn into office. My sister, Elissa, and our neighbor Jeffrey and I reluctantly watched history happen. We were not interested and wanted to be back outside, but I’m glad that moment was burned into my memory.
I’m not looking forward to these current events becoming history, though. And I wonder what bread would say if it could talk about what’s happening.
What if bread could write a book, or take a picture, or comment like a television news anchor in the 1970s? What would bread say about climate change and rampant fires and snows? I’d like someone to interview bread about the history that’s about to happen.
Maybe bread is already watching us and absolutely mute, hunting for words to help.
I know I don’t have many right now, but I hope you are having bread & pancakes & cake and finding fire in your hearts.
Yours, Amy
Picture key
Pancakes made with Medina, a soft white wheat from Rusted Rooster farm in Maine.
Cranberry apple cake with Medina and sorghum flour.
Cooking pancakes is wildly satisfying. 10 out of 10 recommend.
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I rise before I bake , I pray the Lord this loaf to take.